My name's Josef Sykora.
The thing I love to do the most is sit at that piano and just play it.

For the last 15 years, i've made it my mission to teach piano in a new way. A way that gets you sat down and playing real music FAST whilst learning those essential core piano skills at the same time. Not repeating the same boring exercises over and over again without knowing how they actually help you.

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Guitarists have learned like this for nearly 100 years… Why is it so difficult for the piano?

After teaching almost a hundred people in person, millions on youtube and nearly two thousand who have purchased my piano courses...

I have found that having confidence and knowing what you need to do to just sit down and play beautiful music on the piano keeps our passion and motivation alive.

I love teaching people how to just 'sound good!'

And together… we'll get you sounding good as well.

Time to get those fingers flyin'!


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where I post regular free videos to get you inspired.

free guide book top 10 piano exercises for beginners

Grab my perfect starter guide

"The Top 5 Piano Exercises For Beginners" right now


Check out my more in-depth piano courses here…

(helped over 2000 people

and counting)