
How To Confidently Sit At Any Piano And Play Beautiful Music WITHOUT Feeling Embarrassed Or Relying On Sheet Music!

Even if you're a beginner OR you've been trying for years now but
you’re frustrated you still can't just sit, play, and sound good.

Love the Creative Piano Patterns course!

"Packed full of beautiful melodic  patterns with exceptional guidance and Tons of ways to expand your playing!"


Creative Piano Patterns Student

I Am Retiring This Course. But You Can Get 50% Off the Enrollment of  “Creative Piano Patterns”If You Enroll Before January 20th, 2023, at 11:59 pm PST.

Creative Piano Patterns Is A Collection of 30 Piano Patterns
Designed to Get You Sat Down In Front of that Piano,
Having Fun Playing Beautiful Music!

Now You Can Unlock That Beautiful
Music Inside You–Even If You’re A Beginner

Over 1,000 people so far have signed up to the course and can now sit and play beautiful music. Listen to a few of them below...
 It's been an absolute labour of love putting this course together for you. I wanted a way to unlock that beautiful music thats inside YOU. Not just play other peoples music but a way to discover who you are as a real musician (Even if you're a beginner).
To me, that's what playing a musical instrument is all about!

Meet Beginner Pianist, James…

Take a listen to James. Sounds nice right? James uses Creative Piano Patterns to sit and play beautiful music, explore melodies and get creative even as a beginner.

Here's what he had to say...

Play Video

James uses patterns 14 and 15 from the 'kick-Ass Series' to create and play his own music.

testi quote 2

"I am a relative beginner and joined Creative Piano Academy as an add on to my weekly lessons which while really important to get a foundation, I wanted to also be able to play some music that would sound nice reasonably quickly.

I was drawn to this pattern because... 
1. I can play the pattern slowly and it still sounds great. I can pause to find an appropriate note which is really important for me as it gives me time to think while still sounding nice.
2. As long as I follow Josef’s principles I can play any notes I want. There isn’t a wrong note just notes that sound better.
3. It is the first piece I have played that the family who were in the room at the time doing something else said "wow that sounds great, you have really improved."
For me, I love this pattern because it’s one I can keep coming back to after I have done other stuff like learning a new song or practising chords etc. Or I want to grab 15 minutes and just create new melodies. I love the freedom of making up my own melodies and knowing what notes I can use and play with.
What I am learning from it are the principles of melody and how to create my own. The framework of this pattern lets me explore this. It's also a great finger exercise.
I realise it’s not perfect and I want to add more emotion and use the pedal more effectively but it’s a work in progress. 
Thanks Josef"