You’ve enjoyed the 5-Day Boogie Woogie Masterclass. What’s Next?
Now You Can Take A More Complete, Step-By-Step Boogie Woogie Journey with Endless Fun, Including…
Turnarounds, and Other
Toe-Tapping Techniques!
Easily fill your Boogie Woogie with TONS of playful variety when you embark on this journey. Plus, with all the new Boogie techniques you’ll sink your fingers into, soon, your hands will be flying up and down the whole stretch of the keyboard!
Watch The Quick Video Below

That’s what awaits you (and more) inside this complete Boogie Woogie video course…

"Many thanks for this course. Absolutely fantastic. You are clearly a very talented musician. But additionally, you have a real nice teaching style.
"I am a beginner and had struggled with hand independence. I can't explain how it happened, but by the end of the course, I somehow managed all the exercises even though, I'd given myself no chance of doing this.
"You think very carefully about the most effective way to get beginners to progress. I am so impressed. Thanks again!"
- Mike
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

"I finished up Module 1 with the 'Turnaround.' WOW! I have to say, it's nothing less than a miracle to hear what it first sounds like.
"To think I'd never be able to play such a great-sounding riff, then after 2-3 days of practice to be playing it fairly comfortably with the rest of the piece. I'm really enjoying the course."
- Michael Ives
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

"Loved the fact that the course taught me a skill and then enhanced it more the following day rather than learning something and forgetting it.
"It also set me realistic achievable goals rather than frustrating me and making me give up early like other courses I tried.
"I've just started piano this week and already I am on the way to knowing a tune I can play all the way through!"
- Danny
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

Discover A Fun, Manageable Way To Continue Your Boogie Woogie Journey!

Dear Creative,
First, I want to say how excited I am for you that you’ve now completed the 5-Day “Get Started” Boogie Woogie Masterclass.
I hope you’ve had a lot of fun. And I hope you’ve enjoyed getting that left-hand chop into your fingers, as well as getting those “feel good” tingles of playing your first proper Boogie Woogie right-hand riff!
Now that you’ve had your first exposure to the toe-tapping fun of Boogie Woogie…
You might be wondering…

What’s next?
I’ve got a fun surprise in store for you as an alumni of the 5-Day Masterclass.
Now, you can…
In the 5-Day masterclass, you’ve had a great start.
But it’s just the tip of the Boogie Woogie ivories.
There’s an INCREDIBLE journey ahead for you when you take advantage of this special offer, available ONLY on this page!
Let me show you how the fun can continue inside…
Here’s a short video of Sit & Play Boogie Woogie student, Patricia Valette was able to accomplish in just a few short weeks inside this course…
Maybe watching Patricia is a bit intimidating?
If so, don’t worry.
Patricia has been following the steps in this course for a while now. I just wanted to show you what following this step-by-step journey will look like for you pretty soon.
On this journey, we look at each and every step you need to take in minute detail whilst having a lof of fun taking our time over each new technique.
Like Patricia, you’re going to have so much fun on this Boogie Woogie journey.
Plus, I’ve got a map for you so you can see where you are at all times on your Boogie Woogie journey. Here it is…
“Milestone Map” and Progress Tracker
As soon as you enroll, you can download this helpful map and progress sheet. I recommend you have it next to you at the piano whenever you practice. That way, you’ll always know where you are on your Boogie Woogie journey.
To the side, here, you can see an example of just one little section of the Progress Tracker. As you move through each module, you can tick the boxes after you complete each milestone. This will give you a positive sense of momentum and help you see just how much you’re accomplishing along the way.
And speaking of the journey, let me take you through each of the 7 milestones you’ll pass through.

Building Fundamentals Through
Your First Boogie Licks

We’ll kick things off by looking at some fundamental and foundational blues and Boogie-Woogie skills. By the end of this module you’ll be playing your first right-hand riff, your first turnaround, and even your first full piece of Boogie Woogie music. You’ll feel a great sense of momentum surging through you, even before you’ve finished this first module.
You’ll discover…

The Blues Scale and Getting
That Boogie Woogie Rhythm

Our main task now is to learn our first “proper” riff, introduce your fingers to the blues scale and develop looseness, rhythm and feel for the Boogie Woogie. You’ll overcome many of the most common frustrations and enjoy many new strategies.
You’re going to enjoy getting your first blues scale into your fingers, playing the full 12-bar blues, creating your first Boogie rhythms, and even experience an “Ah-Ha” moment with your hand coordination.
It will all come smoothly together with just a few, fun techniques, including…

Training the Boogie Woogie Brain

This module is all about getting the Boogie techniques deeper into your fingers and connecting them with your natural learning mechanisms. Plus, I’m going to guide you through the steps we need to get the blues scale onto the tips of the fingers and begin the journey of improvisation.
By the end of this module, you’ll feel more comfortable playing up and down the blues scale, you’ll have created your own Boogie Riff using the “Hunt for Gems” method, and you’ll even have your first “Ah-ha” moment with free improvisation.
You’ll learn this and other brain-training strategies, such as…

Getting That Authentic Boogie Sound

Now we’ll open up so many more possibilities. I’m going to show you how to get that authentic Boogie sound by sticking to just one right hand position. It will build your spontaneity and unlock additional extended hand positions.
You’ll get deep into that authentic Boogie sound you hear from pianists like Jools Hollan, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, Dr. John, and many others. Plus, you’ll discover…

Unlock the Full Potential
Of the Right Hand

Now we’ll link together the 3 magic right-hand positions, building solid connections between the brain and hands, and getting really comfortable with new levels of right-hand freedom.
By the end of this module, you’ll be playing your Boogie riff in 3 different positions, you’ll connect each of the 3 positions seamlessly, and you’ll be feeling more confident in your free improvisation.
You’ll discover so many fun things, such as…

Inviting Intros, Epic Endings,
& Tasty Turnarounds

Now we’ll zoom in on getting your Boogie Woogie pieces started, ended, and giving internal phrases a flair. You’ll spice up your 12-bar blues using simple turnarounds, you’ll love the way your intros, and especially the endings of your Boogie pieces sounds, and by now, you’ll probably even be having your first Booge Woogie dreams at night.
You’ll also discover…

Foot Tappin’ Boogie &
Tricks of the Pros

You’ve come so far! Now that you’re starting to sound like the pros, where do you go from here? Now it’s time to take things up a final notch.
Now we’re going to speed up your runs and expand upon your skills of improvisation. Plus, you’ll get your left-hand chop sounding even more incredible. And my personal favorite, actual riff transcriptions from the pros so you can play their favorite licks.
You’ll also get several lessons on playing amazing runs using what I call the “falling down the stairs” method. We’ll start with a general theory of runs, and then get more complex to make you sound even more amazing.
You’ll get some helpful “fallback chords” as well, so you have some additional chord options to spice up your Boogie Woogie even more.
***PLEASE NOTE: This module is still in development and will show up in your member's area in the next few weeks.

Now That Your Course Is Finished,
Here’s Where To Go Next!

Advanced Boogie Woogie Left Hand Chops & Building Your Boogie Woogie Library (Riffs from the Pros)

Once you’ve completed the 7-step journey on the Boogie Woogie Milestone Map, you may wonder… “what’s next?” Inside these Further Study modules, you’ll sink your fingers into additional Boogie Woogie Left-Hand chops to add even more variety and fun to your sound.
One is an intermediate left-hand chop, and the other is more advanced. I’ll show you how to apply these “chops” to everything you’ve learned so far in the course, opening up all kinds of fun possibilities as you continue to progress on your Boogie Woogie journey.
Plus, you'll get a selection of riffs from famous Boogie Woogie pieces. As you develop on your Boogie Woogie journey, you can build up a bank of riffs and licks so you can pull them out whenever you want and turn them into your own boogie.
Masterclass #1

If you’re a true beginner, you may want to begin with this bonus so you can set an even sturdier foundation for your Boogie Woogie
Value of $197
Masterclass #2

How to relaxe and exude the grace and natureleness of the pros. You’ll be in full rhythm control and make it look easy.
Value of 147
Masterclass #3

How to play fast by playing slow so your playing doesn’t collapse as you increase your tempos.
Value of $97
Masterclass #4

A blueprint to apply to any exercise you’re struggling with to break through the wall and free you up so you can enjoy playing again.
Value of $97
Masterclass #5

Turning rhythm into a strength using my rhythm “grid.” Plus, we’ll work through exercises to help you feel the pulse with ease. You'll get deeper into the creative potential of rhythm so you quickly sound much more like a pro.
Value of $197
That's $735 worth of additional bonuses

"I can't believe it.. absolute beginner with piano and today I managed the left hand and right hand riff together without any mistakes! Yeaaa I can't stop smiling! Many many thanks Josef. S:-)"
- Sheila
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

"I'm really loving the Boogie Woogie course and am currently on Lesson 9, with a plan to go back over the lessons again before moving on.
"The lessons are amazing, so motivating, well explained, and broken down into nice small chunks.
"I thoroughly recommend the course."
- Rosi Hughes
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

This course has been a big help for me in not only learning the beginning of boogie woogie playing but getting better with my hand coordination. The lessons give me just enough material and exercises to practice each day.
- Richard
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student
Most teachers would NEVER let you learn Boogie Woogie.
And even if they did, you’d have to take 50 to 100 lessons before they let you near the stuff.
What would that cost you?

"This has been such a brilliant set of lessons for me, which I feel have really paid off. It's made me focus on a particular task for a few days, slowing everything down, remembering to breathe, and having the 10-second breaks in between.
Also, I'm really finding that the gaps in my precision are gradually closing! Thank you again so much for these lessons!"
- Rosi
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student
In many places, a piano lesson costs anywhere from $30 to $50 per half-hour piano lesson. So, if you were to take 100 private lessons, what would that cost you? That’s anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 for 100 private lessons.
So, you have a choice…
You can take the old route, get to playing fun Boogie Woogie eventually… like 4 years from now… and pay through the nose for lessons until then.
Or, you could ignore the traditional methods and traditional teachers and get right to the fun by enrolling in…
Along with Built-In “Play Along” Software Tools!
Inside each lesson, you can slow down every exercise and take it at your own pace. You get to play along with me and work on your creativity in a safe, secure environment with a helpful mentor.
You get a more effective, more step-by-step series of tools delivered immediately to your computer. And you’ll get all the incredible head-turning music-playing tools mentioned above for…
But you’ll get immediate access when you UPGRADE your order now…
NO long-term payments. NO surprises.
Just pure enjoyment for as long
as you want, at your own pace!
Get 100+ MORE Boogie Riffs Inside
“Sit & Play Boogie Woogie” Course!
Plus, a COMPLETE Boogie Woogie
Journey from Start to Finish

(Pound Sterling available at checkout...)

Don’t Forget!
Here’s my promise to you…
If you haven’t learned some really fun Boogie Woogie… if your hand coordination is not improving… if your sense of rhythm isn’t getting stronger… and if you still haven’t played at least one, slow, moving blues number with these Boogie Woogie techniques…
We’ll gladly send you back your money.
You have 30 days to go through the course and bonuses before you decide if you find it valuable.
If you’re not satisfied with the course for any reason, let us know so I can send you a refund.
Sound fair?
(Pound Sterling available at checkout...)

"As an elderly absolute beginner, your Boogie Woogie course has given me confidence and huge enjoyment.
"Now I'm hooked, where before, Prioritizing practice in a busy working day was a bit of a chore. My fingers are getting stronger, the patterns are jelling. It's almost a miracle! I love your life-changing skill, savvy, energy, and enthusiasm!"
- Barbara
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

"This is quite an experience for me! I am 66 and never played piano before your 5 free Boogie Woogie lessons. I needed a while to go through it, but I did it and decided to go further.
"Now I'm out of my comfort zone! But I like it and I am motivated, thanks to your way of teaching. Thanks for bringing this excitement in my life."
- Brigitte Adriaensens
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student

"Your course is amazing, and your teaching is amazing as well!
"I've always felt passionate about wanting to play in a way that was fun and enjoyable, but have never succeeded, until now!
"After less than a week I'm on Module 2, Lesson 4 and loving every minute of it. I still need to work on speed and technique, but enjoying it so much!
"Your step by step method is perfect! I can't wait to play every day! Thank you so much for creating this wonderful course!"
- Jane Ellett
Sit & Play Boogie Woogie Student